A Late Introduction

April 24, 2008 at 5:03 pm (Uncategorized)

I guess its a little silly now, but i think I should have put an introductory first post before i just randomly started slabbing my thought onto my blog. I’ll keep this short and sweet, i jsut wanted to warn you that the things on my blog can be somewhat strage sometimes, i like to write about things that are ‘out there’, like about the universe and philosophy. This is not always the case though, but just remember i warned you.

By the way, if you have read the book “shoulder the sky” by Lesley Pearson, you will know what i mean.

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Philosiphy Barriers to Artistic Creation, The Mind, and the Universe

April 23, 2008 at 2:08 am (Arguments, Philosiphy, The Universe) (, , , )

You may have already read my Sonnet poem about music. As i was writing it a few days ago, I realized how incredibly stupid it is to write a poem with a certain format, or create any artistic creation with a certain format. To me, the word format’ is just another word for ‘restriction’. To me, the mind is an endless void of space and possibility, where you can travel in any direction, and back again. Im talking 360 degress multiplied by 360 degress. Like outer space, with no gravity. I believe the human mind is a small chunk of the universe, mashed into a human’s head. The universe goes on forever. To infinity. The mind is a chunk of the universe, so what’s infinity divided by six billion? Infinity. When open minded people like me are dreaming about exploring the universe and what lies beyod, what we all don’t realize is that the entire universe is inside of our heads, inside of our mind. Im sure that when you thought of some random idea, it would appear in some far-off plain of the universe, physically inacessable. You just have to imagine it being there, and it will be.
Now after I’ve said all that, lets go back to the thing on formats and restrictions. Formats and restrictions take the universe we live in, and add gravity to it. We go from 3 dimensions, all the way down to 2 dimensions. This really sucks, plain and simple, because it limits our ideas and artistic creations severely. Some of these barriers that ‘choke the universe’ include: gravity, and ‘common sense’. I just wish those things didn’t exist.
So basically, the next time you are making an artistic creation, whether it be a dance, a song, a poem, or a painting, try to browse through the infinite ideas in the universe, and try to do so without gravity or common sense. And try not to lie to yourself.

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A Sonnet about Music

April 23, 2008 at 12:37 am (Poetry and Music)

This was an assignemnt for my grade 10 english class… we had to write a Shakespearean sonnet. I wanted to have a lot more detail, but unfortunately it had a 14-line limit. I may re-write it as a free verse poem.. or something.


Lying in bed with these buds in my ears,
I go from dead silent, to alive and fantastic
Feeling vibrations that beat out the tears
In a void of music, I feel captured by magic
This magic is real, and that is no lie
When I play my guitar with that clean open sound
It paints me a picture of a deep purple sky
And bring back my memories, to the past I am bound
But the magic doesn’t always work the same way
I see purple skies, but you’ll see something else
So these magical emotions, all I can say
Is they are not in the music, they are in myself
So as my mind is an endless page of white
I am painting a picture on this dead silent night

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